Thursday, June 28, 2012

the somewhat expected comes unexpectedly

Several years ago when Terry was training for a bike race he, well, really got into training. I discovered this high level of commitment deep in the night, a very cool night. My feet were cold...I did what most wives do - slipped those cold feet over to Terry's side of the bed so he could warm them up. 

My mind is pretty much blank after that. But my family tells me there was some shrieking, some bumbling around in the dark, a lot of lights...and a lot of calming talk from a just startled-awake husband.

Terry had, for the hope of a little more speed - shaved his legs. Ew.

Just shy of three weeks into cancer treatment we've had another occasion to discuss hair. Or the lack of it. The somewhat expected loss of hair is happening, somewhat unexpectedly. We were so focused on other things we forgot - until last night when the loss began - that it was probably going to happen. 

Tonight we buzzed it off on comb #2 just to lessen the fall out. And then we went ahead and used comb #1. It's a shock to LOOK like a cancer patient when you've been healthy all your life. It's a very odd feeling to not look like yourself. It's strange to happen in 24 hours.  

But my hero has chosen to identify with those he battles alongside and those survivors whom he so admires and be proudly ... bald. 

This time I am going to remember. And cheer.


  1. What a great post! Thinking of you and praying for you this morning! Cheering you BOTH on. :)

  2. Thank you for posting. Although we have not been close in many years, I care very much about my extended family. You, Terry and your children are being prayed for by me. I have been where you are and I appreciate each word you've typed. God IS faithful and He does provide what we need when we need it. L.E.A.N. on HIM!

    Cousin Diane
